biomedicina slovenica

"AI" : 37.503-37.602

  1. Novljan G; Kenig A; Hojker S; Fettich JJ; Kenda RB
    Ultrazvočni mikcijski cistogram: nova preiskava za ugotavljanje vezikoureternega refluksa pri otrocih
    [Ultrasound cystography with echocontrast: a new method for the detection of vesicoureteral reflux in children]
  2. Kuhar M; Puntarec I; Porenta-Bešić V
    Rezultati imunoterapije na strup insektov
    [Results of Hymenoptera immunotherapy]
  3. Plevnik-Vodušek V
    Delo v alergoloških ambulantah
    [Analysis of work in an allergy outpatient clinic]
  4. Gašpirc B; Skalerič U
    Ponovni pripoj fibroblastov na zobno korenino po obsevanju z erbijevim laserjem
    [Fibroblast attachment to laser-treated root surface]
  5. Bizjak R; Kofol-Seliger A; Deisinger L
    Inhalacijski alergeni na Primorskem - specifični IgE za 16 inhalacijskih alergenov pri otrocih in mladostnikih iz štirih slovenskih področij glede na spol in alergijske bolezni
    [Inhalant allergens in Primorska - child and adolescent specific IgE to 16 common inhalant allergens regarding sex and atopic diseases in four Slovenian areas]
  6. Avčin T; Accetto M; Slavec B; Glavnik V
    Diagnostični testi v alergologiji
    [Diagnostic tests for allergy]
  7. Dragoš V; Podrumac B
    Najpogostejše alergijske reakcije kože pri otrocih in lokalno zdravljenje
    [The most frequent allergic skin disorders in children and topical treatment]
  8. Petelin M; Šentjurc M; Skalerič U
    Raziskava lastnosti hidrogelov za lokalno dovajanje učinkovin na ustno sluznico
    [Study of the properties of hydrogels used for local delivery of drugs to the oral mucosa]
  9. Brunčko A
    Alergijske bolezni dihalnih poti pri otrocih - alergijski nahod
    [Allergic disease of respiratory tract in children - allergic rhinits]
  10. Glavnik V
    Alergija na hrano
    [Food allergy]
  11. Ihan A
    Mehanizmi takojšnje preobčutljivosti
    [The mechanism of immediate hypersensitivity]
  12. Tanšek-Žerjav M; Kržišnik C; Bratanič N; Novljan G; Uršič-Bratina N; Battelino T
    Zdravljenje delne neobčutljivosti na delovanje rastnega hormona
    [Treatment of partial growth hormone insensitivity]
  13. Kočova M; Gučev Z; Krstevska-Konstantinova M; Kuzmanovska D; Šukarova-Angelova E; Šahpazova E; Tasić V; Micevska V
    Treatment with growth hormone in the Republic of Macedonia, indications, results, dilemmas
    [Zdravljenje z rastnimi hormoni v Republiki Makedoniji, indikacije, rezultati, dvomi]
  14. Battelino T
    Motnje rasti in presnove pri intrauterini distrofiji
    [Growth and metabolic consequences of intrauterine growth retardation]
  15. Gregorič A
    Predsimptomatska genetska diagnostika pri otrocih: etične dileme
    [Presymptomatic genetic testing in children: ethical dilemmas]
  16. Neubauer D; Grosek Š; Primožič J
    Etične odločitve pri otroku z napredujočo nevrološko okvaro
    [Ethical decisions in children with progressive neurological impairment]
  17. Babnik J
    Nerojeni otrok z anomalijami
    [Unborn infant with congenital anomalies]
  18. Benedik-Dolničar M; Brecelj-Kobe M
    Otrok - onkološki bolnik
    [The child - as a cancer patient]
  19. Kornhauser P
    Pogled 30 let nazaj: razvoj etične misli na področju intenzivne terapije otroka pri nas
    [Looking 30 years back: the evolution of ethical thought in the field of paediatric intensive care in Slovenia]
  20. Trontelj J
    Privolitev v zdravljenje in raziskavo in nadomestno soglasje v pediatriji: načela Oviedske konvencije
    [Consent and authorisation to treatment and research in paediatrics: the principles of the Oviedo convention]
  21. Nograšek P; Kramar B; Marin J; Skalerič U
    Virus Epstein-Barr v gingivalni tekočini pacientov z različno stopnjo parodontalne bolezni
    [Epstein-Barr virus in the gingivai fluid of patients with different stages of periodontal disease]
  22. Družina Branko; Perc Andrej
    Kaj je v vodi in kako voda postane pitna?
  23. Jurič R; Dragaš AZ; Seme K; Ružić-Sabljić E; Grošelj D
    Vpliv parodontalne bolezni na diagnostične postopke pri limski boreliozi
    [The influence of periodontal disease on diagnostic procedures in Lyme disease]
  24. Grošelj D; Kranjec I; Antolič G
    Medikamentna hiperplazija dlesne
    [Drug-induced gingival hyperplasia]
  25. Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Moeller Gabriele; Thole Hubert H; Žakelj-Mavrič Marija; Adamski Jerzy
    Novel member of the short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family: 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from Cochliobolus lunatus
  26. Krajnc Ivan; Vizjak Alenka; Hvala Asta; Jurčić Vesna; Rozman Blaž
    The significance of histologic analysis of skin lesions in Porphyria cutanea tarda: lihgt microscopy, electron microscopy immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence analysis
  27. Kofol-Seliger Andreja; Cegnar Tanja
    Meritve koncentracije cvetnega prahu v Ljubljani
    [Measurements of pollen concentration in Ljubljana]
  28. Maček-Lebar A; Kopitar NA; Ihan A; Serša G; Miklavčič D
    Significance of treatment energy in cell electropermeabilization
  29. Zrimec Tatjana
    Informacijski sistem medicinskih slik-idejna zasnova
    [A medical image information system-a conceptual framework]
  30. Vidmar Gaj; Janša Jelka
    O merskih značilnostih dveh ocenjevalnih lestvic za oceno prizadetosti pri pacientih po ishemični možganski kapi
    [On metric characteristics of two disability measures applied to acute ischaemic stroke patients]
  31. Todorovski Ljupčo; Smrke Dragica; Stankovski Vlado; Kersnič Boštjan
    Vstavitev kolčne endoproteze in pojav bolečine v spodnjem udu
    [Implantation of hip endoprosthesis and the incidence of pain in lower limb]
  32. Šušteršič Olga; Rajkovič Vladislav; Kljajić Miroljub
    Ocenjevanje temeljnih življenjskih aktivnosti varovancev v procesu patronažne zdravstvene nege
    [Evaluation of clinet's daily activities in community nursing process]
  33. Mlakar Primož
    Determination of features for air pollution forecasting models
  34. Mlakar Primož; Božnar Marija
    Perceptron neural network - based model predicts air pollution
  35. Božnar Marija; Mlakar Primož
    Improvement of air pollution forecasting models using feature determination and pattern selection strategies
  36. Božnar Marija; Martinčič Rafael; Mlakar Primož
    Emergency warning system in Slovenia for accidental radioactive releases
  37. Božnar Marija; Martinčič Marija; Mlakar Primož
    Emergency warning system in Slovenia for accidental radioactive releases
  38. Smrke Dragica; Demšar Janez; Bratko Ivan; Kersnič Boštjan; Stankovski Vlado
    Analiza implantacij kolčnih endoprotez z regresijskimi drevesi
    [Regression tree analysis of indications concerning hip arthroplasty]
  39. Mlakar Primož; Božnar Marija; Lesjak Martin
    Neural networks predict pollution
  40. Božnar Marija; Lesjak Martin; Mlakar Primož
    A neural network-based method for short-term predictions of ambient SO2 concentrations in highly polluted industrial areas of complex terrain.
  41. Rogač Mitja
    Prenova zunajbolnišnične zdravstvene statistike
    [Modernisation of outpatient health care statistics]
  42. Rožić-Hristovski Anamarija; Pogačnik Sonja
    Vpliv informacijskih tehnologij na vlogo medicinskih knjižnic v upravljanju informacij: normativne osnove
  43. Raič Gorazd
    Preverjanje in shranjevaje zapisov v zdravstvenem informacijskem sistemu "GOLOB"
    [Hospital records verification and storage in the national health information system of Slovenia]
  44. Ferluga Dušan; Jurčić Vesna; Rott Tomaž; Vizjak Alenka; Hvala Anastazija
    Accelerated athero-arteriosclerosis in renal allograft
  45. Ferluga Dušan; Kovač Simon; Vranič Andrej; Jurčić Vesna
    Histopathology of renal allograft vasculature segments in kidney allograft rejection
  46. Zidar Nina; Ferluga Dušan
    Significance of nephron mass for the survival of renal graft and prognosis of renal disease
  47. Bren Andrej F; Kandus Aljoša; Ferluga Dušan
    Interferon-alpha associated rapidly progressive renal graft failure in patient with chronic myelogenaus leukemia
  48. Ponikvar Rafael
    Clinical aspects of acute native and transplanted kidney failure
  49. Olsen Steen
    Acute failure of the native kidney and the renal allograft
  50. Pokorna Eva; Vitko Štefan; Chamidova Maria; Schueck Ota
    Serious morphological changes in the donor kidney, onset of function and graft survival
  51. Novljan Gregor; Buturović Jadranka; Kandus Aljoša; Ponikvar Rafael; Kenda Rajko B
    Mycophenolate mofetil in pediatric renal transplantation
  52. Kmetec Andrej
    Laparotomy versus laparoscopic management of posttransplant lymphocoele. Our experience
  53. Orel Andrej; Roblek Dominik; Verhovšek Roman; Govekar Primož; Cimperman Boris
    Elektronski popis bolnika na spletu
    [Web based computerized patient record (CPR)]
  54. Hvala Anastazija; Kobenter Tatjana; Rott Tomaž; Vizjak Alenka; Koselj-Kajtna Mira; Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša; Jakša Iztok; Trnačević Senaid; Ferluga Dušan
    Specificity of interstitial capillary changes in transplanted kidneys
  55. Koselj Mira; Rott Tomaž; Vizjak Alenka; Kandus Aljoša; Bren Andrej F
    Recurrence of immunoglobulin A nephropathy after renal transplantation
  56. Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša; Ferluga Dušan; Vizjak Alenka; Hvala Anastazija
    Recurrence of focal glomerulosclerosis after kidney transplantation
  57. Mozetič Vladimir; Orlić Petar; Fučkar Željko; Maleta Ivica; Rački Sanjin; Oguić Romano
    Acute graft rejection: the importance of individual resistive index value in duplex color doppler follow up
  58. Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka
    Ultrasound and Doppler in renal transplantation
  59. Buturović Jadranka; Kandus Aljoša
    Clinical aspects of rejection and treatment
  60. Kukar Matjaž; Grošelj Ciril
    Uporaba cenovno občutljivega učenja za ocenjevanje predtestnih in izboljševanje potestnih verjetnosti v diagnostiki ishemične bolezni srca
    [Cost sensitive learning for estimation of pretest probalities and improvement of posttest probalities in the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease]
  61. Dinulescu Arety; Mandache Eugen
    Glomerular and arteriolar lesions during chronic kidney rejection
  62. Cosyns Jean-Pierre; Malaise Jacques; Hanique Genevive; Mourad Michel; Baldi Alessandra; Goebbels Rose-Marie; Squifflet Jean-Paul
    Lesions in donor kidneys: nature, incidence and influence on graft function
  63. Cosyns Jean-Pierre; Gilles Andre; Bouckaert Andre; Squifflet Jean-Paul
    Interobserver reproducibility of the Banff classification of renal allograft rejection
  64. Herman Srečko; Herman Simon
    Transplantation of bone tissue
  65. Ferlan-Marolt Vera; Kastelic Višnja
    Pathohistological support to liver transplantation - when, why and how
  66. Sojar Valentin
    Clinico pathological issues of liver transplantation. Present situation of liver transplantation program in Slovenia
  67. Jeraj Janez; Stanič Uroš; Kandare Franc
    Kinematična analiza gibanja prsnega koša in trebušne votline s pomočjo optoelektronskih merilnih sistemov
    [Kinematic analysis of the chest and abdominal wall movement using optoelectronic measuring systems]
  68. Jager Franc; Moody George B; Taddei Aleksandro; Antolič Gorazd; Smrdel Aleš; Glavić Boris; Emdin Michele; Mark Roger G
    Raziskovalni viri za razvoj in vrednotenje detektorjev prehodne ishemije
    [Research resources for development and evaluation of transient ischemia detectors]
  69. Zidar Nina; Avguštin-Čavić Marija; Kenda Rajko B; Ferluga Dušan
    Unfavorable course of minimal change nephrotic syndrome in children with intrauterine growth retardation
  70. Grgič Milan; Mihelin Marjan
    Obnovitev sistema za merjenje evociranih potencialov
    [Evoked potentials system renovation at the Ljubljana institute of clinical neurophysiology]
  71. Turel Iztok; Golič Ljubo; Bukovec Peter; Gubina Marija
    Antibacterial tests of Bismuth(III)-quinolone (ciprofloxacin, cf) compounds against Helicobacter pylori and some other bacteria. Crystal structure of (cfH2)2(Bi2Cl10).4H2O
  72. Poljak Mario; Seme Katja
    Human papillomavirus infection in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in Belgium: replay
  73. Gamberger Dragan; Lavrač Nada; Grošelj Ciril
    Uporaba izločitvenih pravil za zanesljivo diagnostiko
    [Exploiting exclusion rules for reliable diagnosis]
  74. Bren A; Kandus A; Ferluga D
    Rapidly progressive renal graft failure associated with interferon-alpha treatment in a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia
  75. Kocmur Marga; Dernovšek Mojca Z; Tavčar Rok
    Effect of paroxetine on intermittent brief depression episodes and suicide attempts among patients with personality disorders. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study
  76. Kocmur Margareta; Milčinski Metka; Budihna Nataša V
    Evaluation of brain perfusion with technetium-99m bicisate single-photon emission tomography in patients with depressive disorder before and after drug treatment
  77. Lejko-Zupanc T; Koželj M
    A case of recurrent Candida parapsilosis prosthetic valve endocarditis: cure by medical treatment alone
  78. Beden Robert L; Smrke Dragica
    Statistična obdelava zdravstveno-epidemiološkega statusa poškodovancev ob zlomu stegneničnega vratu
    [Statistical analyses of the health and epidemiologi-cal status of patients after hip injury]
  79. Zupan Blaž
    CADAM '98. Zbornik delavnice Računalniška analiza medicinskih podatkov: mednarodna multi-konferenca Informacijska družba - IS '98; 1998 okt 6-9; Ljubljana
    [CADAM '98. Computer-aided data analysis in medicine; 1998 Oct 6-9; Ljubljana]
  80. Peterlin Primož; Košir Aleš; Erjavec Tomaž
    Digitalni zapis slovenskih znakov
  81. Košir Aleš; Peterlin Primož; Erjavec Tomaž
    GNUsl: prosto programje in slovenščina
  82. Zupanič I; Balažic J; Komel R
    Analysis of nine short tandem repeat (STR) loci in the Slovenian population
  83. Mavčič Blaž; Antolič Vane; Brand Richard; Iglič Aleš; Ipavec Marija; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Pedersen Doug R
    Weight bearing area during gait in normal and dysplastic human hips
  84. Potočnik N; Kirn B; Nikolič SD; Starc V
    Relaxation of epicardial strains after volume changes in the isolated guniea pig left ventricle
  85. Pretnar-Kunstek Veronika; Kersnič Petra; Grbec Vera; Filej Bojana
    "Se procesa zdravljenja in zdravstvene nege razhajata?": odgovor na prispevek
  86. Butinar Dušan; Starr Arnold; Vatovec Jagoda
    Brainstem auditory evoked potentials and cochlear microphonics in the HMSN family with auditory neuropathy
  87. Amon Tomaž; Valenčič Vojko
    Biological worlds on the internet in virtual reality and educational aid
  88. Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Moeller Gabriele; Thole Hubert H; Žakelj-Mavrič Marija; Adamski Jerzy
    Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase superfamily and its novel member 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from the fungus Cochliobolus lunatus
  89. Pungerčar Jože; Vizjak Alenka; Ivanovski Gabriela; Križaj Igor
    Identification, molecular cloning and immuno-localization of cathepsin P, a novel human putative cysteine protease of the papain family
  90. Bervar Aleš; Zajc Irena; Strojnik Tadej; Židanik Boris; Golouh Rastko; Kos Janko; Lah Tamara
    Cathepsins B and L and their inhibitor stefin A in brain tumor prognosis
  91. Morton Brian; Velkovrh F; Sket B
    Biology and anatomy of the 'living fossil' Congeria kusceri (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) from subterranean rivers and caves in the Dinaric karst of the former Yugoslavia
  92. Zhu Hai-Ying; Petrovič Nataša; Ling Kai-Shu; Gonsalves Dennis
    Production and application of an antibody to the grapevine leafroll associated closterovirus-2 coat protein expressed in Escherichia coli
  93. Kordiš Dušan; Gubenšek Franc
    Are mammalian line elements molecular fossils from the mesozoic era?
  94. Jogan Nejc
    Prispevek k poznavanju razširjenosti trav v Sloveniji 2
    [A contribution to the knowledge of the distribution of grasses in Slovenia 2]
  95. Jogan Nejc
    Ali Pimpinella nigra Mill. uspeva v Sloveniji?
    [Does Pimpinella nigra Mill. occur in Slovenia?]
  96. Rupnik Maja; Avesani Veronique; Janc Miha; von Eichel-Streiber Christoph; Delmee Michel
    A novel toxinotyping scheme and correlation of toxinotypes with serogroups of Clostridium difficle isolates
  97. Sedmak Bojan
    Narava slika strupene akvarele: fotografije
    [Nature is painting toxic watercolors: photographs]
  98. Štrus J; Drobne D; Zidar P
    Isopod digestive gland as a biomarker of metal contaminated food
  99. Anonymous ;
    4th symposium on the biology of terrestrial isopods; 1997 Feb 3-7; Haifa, Israel
  100. Gaberščik A; Urbanc-Berčič O; Brancelj A; Šiško M
    Seasonal dynamic of main trophic parameters in three alpine lakes in the Triglav national park (Slovenia)

   37.003 37.103 37.203 37.303 37.403 37.503 37.603 37.703 37.803 37.903  

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