biomedicina slovenica

"AI" : 40.582-40.681

  1. Tomazin I
    Naključno srečanje zdravnika s politravmatizirano poškodovanko
    [Accidental meeting of a physician with a polytraumatized patient]
  2. Primožič J; Gostiša A
    Zdravljenje politravmatiziranega otroka v enoti za intenzivno terapijo (EIT)
    [Caring for polytraumatized children in pediatric ICU]
  3. Holliman CJ
    Pediatric trauma
    [Poškodbe otrok]
  4. Kovač M; Žnidaršič M
    Fibrilacija prekatov in pomen zgodnje defibrilacije
    [Ventricular fibrillation and importance of early defibrillation]
  5. Žnidaršič M; Kovač M
    Kompletni atrioventrikularni blok - prikaz primera
    [Complete atrioventricular block - case report]
  6. Marušič D
    Zastrupitev z verapamilom in propranololom ob alkoholnem opoju - primer iz klinične prakse
    [Combined poisoning with verapamil, propranolol, and ethanol - a case report]
  7. Žmavc A
    Motnje srčnega ritma in nujna medicinska pomoč pred prihodom v bolnišnico. Pregled kazuistike v službi nujne medicinske pomoči v Celju v letih 91 do 95
    [Cardiac arrhythmias and emergency treatment before arrival to hospital. A five year case review in a prehospital EMS system in Celje, Slovenia]
  8. Zupan I
    Pristop k bolniku z bradikardno motnjo srčnega ritma
    [Approach to patient with bradyarrhythmia]
  9. Pečan M; Starc B
    Učinkovitost in dileme pri pouku temeljnih postopkov oživljanja po priporočilih European resuscitation council in American heart association
    [Efficacy and dilemas of teaching BLS according to ERC and AHA guidelines]
  10. Gričar M
    Oživljanje pri anafilaktičnem šoku
    [Resuscitation in anaphylactic shock]
  11. Švigelj V
    Resuscitation in neurological and neurosurgical patients
    [Oživljanje pri nevrološkem in nevrokirurškem bolniku]
  12. Nardi G; De Monte A; Di Silvestre A
    First approach to the severely injured patients. Do we need to be more aggressive?
    [Pristop k hudo poškodovanemu - Ali bi morali biti bolj agresivni?]
  13. Frass M
    Airway management in emergency medicine
    [Zagotavljanje prostih dihalnih poti v urgentni medicini]
  14. Delooz HH
    Urgentna medicina: koncept anesteziologa
    [Emergency medicine: an anaesthesiologist's concept]
  15. Gladovič Nataša; Ritlop-Božič Rozina
    Bršljanov list
    [Hederae helicis folium]
  16. Virant-Doberlet M; Horseman G; Hartmann R; Loher W; Huber F
    A new approach for measuring juvenile hormone production
    [Nov pristop k merjenju sinteze juvenilnega hormona]
  17. Meh D; Denišlič M; Popović M
    Morphological confirmation of clinically and psychophysiologically established small nerve fibre dysfunction
  18. Foeldešiova V; Kolar J; Špringer V
    Analysis of the prescription of antibiotics at a hospital department of surgery
  19. Varl J
    Eritropoetin pri sistemskih in kroničnih boleznih
  20. Bručan A
    Obravnava urgentnega nefrološkega bolnika do sprejema v bolnišnico
  21. Rozman B
    Prizadetost ledvic pri revmaičnih boleznih
  22. Kveder R
    Preventiva v nefrologiji
  23. Benedik M; Varl J
    Paratireoidektomija - kirurška ali medikamentozna?
  24. Kveder R
    Ledvične bolezni v starosti
  25. Suhadolnik-Ličina A
    Urgentna ledvična stanja v nosečnosti
  26. Kaplan-Pavlovčič S
    Ledvična prizadetost pri multiplem mielomu
  27. Rott T; Vizjak A; Hvala A
    Ledvične spremembe pri bolnikih z multiplim mielomom
  28. Albreht T; Rogač M; Božič D; Macarol-Hiti M; Markota M; Misjak J; Moravec-Berger D; Potočnik B; Raič G
    National programme of health informatics in Slovenia - its development and perspectives
  29. Veller-Fornasa C; Tarantello M; Biasinutto G; Peserico A
    A case of bullous scabies
  30. Penko M; Bartenjev I; Žgavec B; Potočnik M
    Lymphangioma circumscriptum
  31. Santangelo C; Benucci R; Ruffelli M; Ribuffo M; Simoni R; De Pita O
    T-cell receptor gene rearrangement studies in Sezary syndrome
  32. Takač I; Gorišek B; Arko D
    Predlog enotnega spremljanja bolnic z malignomom jajčnikov 1: anamneza in klinični pregled
    [Proposal of uniform follow-up of patients with ovarian malignancy 1: history and clinical examination]
  33. Hristovski Dimitar
    Informacijske storitve lokalne mreže na Inštitutu za medicinsko informatiko Medicinske fakultete
    [Information services available on the local area network of the Institute for biomedical informatics of the Medical faculty]
  34. Natek S
    Govorni vmesnik v Sovi - sistemu za osnovno zdravstveno varstvo
    [Primary health care system speech interface]
  35. Kreft S; Zajc-Kreft K; Živin M; Sket D; Grubič Z
    Application of the nonradioactive in situ hybridization for the localization of acetylcholinesterase mRNA in the central nervous system of the rat; comparison to the radioactive technique
  36. Pleskovič A; Demšar F; Šuput D
    Assessment of liver regeneration by quantitative MRI analysis
  37. Dolenc L; Besset A; Billiard M
    Hypersomnia in association with dysthymia in comparison with idiopathic hypersomnia and normal controls
  38. Prevec TS; Ribarić-Jankes K
    Can somatosensory system generate frequency following response?
  39. Brecelj J; Štrucl M; Raič V
    Do visual neurophysiological tests reflect magnocellular deficit in dyslexic children?
  40. Rodi Z; Deletis V; Morota N; Vodušek DB
    Motor evoked potentials during brain surgery
  41. Butinar D; Gostiša A
    Brainstem auditory evoked potentials and somatosensory evoked potentials in prediction of posttraumatic coma in children
  42. Horvat-Žnidaršič I; Šuput D
    The effect of equinatoxin II on nerve and muscle
  43. Štalc A; Šentjurc M; Pečar S
    Allosteric effects of phenyltrimethylammonium and propidium on acetylcholinesterase active site
  44. Ipavec M; Iglič A; Kralj-Iglič V; Srakar F
    Stress distribution on the hip joint articular surface during gait
  45. Juntes P
    Improvement of the method for demonstration of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissue using microwave pretreatment
  46. Romih R; Jezernik K
    Reorganisation of the urothelial luminal plasma membrane in the cyclophosphamide treated rats
  47. Menart V; Kus B; Novaković S; Serša G; Gaberc-Porekar V; Harb V; Miličić S; Štalc A
    Searching for new TNF-alpha analogs having potential application in cancer therapy
  48. Knežević M; Alscher M; Žunec P; Hartman-Pretnar K; Rožman P; Čurin-Šerbec V
    Cultivation of mouse-mouse hybridomas producing IgM monoclonal antibodies
  49. Irman-Florjanc T
    Effects of an anaesthetic on plasma levels of histamine and tele-methylhistamine in the cat
  50. Levy Y; George J; Hojnik M; Ehrenfeld M; Lorber M; Bombardieri S; Shoenfeld Y
    Comparison of clinical and laboratory parameters for systemic lupus erythematosus activity in Israelis versus Europeans
  51. Vrecl M; Pogačnik A; Lorger J; Bavdek SV
    Morphometric analysis of fetal rat lung after the administration of pyralene-3000
  52. Pajer Z; Coer A
    Astereological analysis of the FRTL-5 cells up to four days after trypsinisation
  53. Kersnič B; Iglič A; Kralj-Iglič V; Jaklič A; Srakar F; Pernuš F; Antolič V
    Determination of the femoral and pelvic geometrical parameters that are important for the hip joint contact stress: differences between female and male
  54. Peterlin B; Logar N; Zidar J
    CTG repeat analysis in lymphocytes, muscles and fibroblasts in patient with myotonic dystrophy
  55. Petrovič D; Keber I; Zorc M; Peterlin B
    I/D polymorphism at the locus for ACE and apo A-I gene promoter polymorphism as risk factors for coronary artery disease in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia
  56. Leonardis L; Zidar J; Trontelj J; Peterlin B
    Correlations between clinical, electrophysiological and genetic findings in hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type I (HMSN I)
  57. Glavač D; Ravnik-Glavač M; Ovčak Z; Mašera A
    Genetic changes in the origin and development of renal cell carcinoma (RCC)
  58. Ravnik-Glavač M; Glavač D; di Sant-Agnese P; Chernick M; Dean M
    Cystic fibrosis gene mutations detected in hereditary pancreatitis
  59. van Cauwenberge P
    Modern treatment of nasal allergy in children
    [Sodobno zdravljenje nosne alergije v otroški dobi]
  60. Glavnik V; Kuhar M; Accetto M
    Praktični nasveti za zdravljenje alergijskega rinitisa pri otrocih
    [Practical advice for treatment of allergic rhinitis in children]
  61. Furlan J; Kofol-Seliger A; Cegnar T; Berger T; Macarol-Hiti M
    Merjenje koncentracije peloda v ozračju in polinoza
    [Measurement of airborne pollen concentration and pollinosis]
  62. Brcar-Štrukelj P
    Epidemiološke značilnosti atopijskih bolezni v Sloveniji pri otrocih in mladini
    [Epidemiologic characteristics of atopic diseases in children and adolescents of Slovenia]
  63. Logar-Car G
    Nekrotizantni enterokolitis
    [Necrotizing enterocolitis]
  64. Kolaček S
    The role of feeding in the treatment of acute diarrhoea in infants and small children
    [Vloga prehrane v zdravljenju akutne driske dojenčkov in malih otrok]
  65. Čižman M; Bufon T; Pokorn M; Arnež M; Zakotnik B
    Vzroki infekcijske diareje in indikacije za uporabo antibiotikov
    [The causes of infections diarrhoea and indications for the antimicrobial treatment]
  66. Bigec M; Kancler K
    Zdravstvena vzgoja, krepitev in vzdrževanje zdravja v otroškem zdravstvu - izkušnje za jutri
    [Child health education, upbringing, health promotion and maintenance of health - experience for tomorrow]
  67. Gregorič A; Schmidt I
    Desetletno spremljanje nekaterih osebnostnih značilnosti pri otrocih in mladostnikih z esencialno arterijsko hipertenzijo
    [A 10-year follow-up of some personality characteristics in children and adolescents with essential hypertension]
  68. Štihec J; Karpljuk D; Strel J
    Vloga in pomen spremljanja aerobnih sposobnosti otrok pri procesu športne vzgoje
    [The role and significance of aerobic capacity monitoring during the process of sports education in children]
  69. Pokorn D
    Pomen prehrane v zgodnjem življenjskem obdobju za preprečevanje bolezni srca in ožilja
    [Dietetic prevention of cardiovascular diseases in the early period of life]
  70. Dillon MJ
    The prevention of hypertension as a cardiovascular risk factor in children and adolescents
    [Preprečevanje hipertenzije kot dejavnika tveganja za aterosklerozo pri otrocih in mladostnikih]
  71. Stergar E
    Razširjenost kajenja med slovenskimi mladostniki
    [Prevalence of smoking among slovene teenagers]
  72. Uršič-Bratina N; Keber I; Kržišnik C
    Dejavniki tveganja za aterosklerozo pri otrocih staršev s prezgodnjo koronarno boleznijo
    [Atherosclerotic risk factors in children of parents with premature coronary heart disease]
  73. Vene-Klun N
    Preprečevanje in zdravljenje hiperlipidemij v otroštvu in pri mladostnikih
    [Prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemias in children and adolescents]
  74. Cevc M
    Odkrivanje dislipidemij pri otrocih in mladostnikih
    [Identification of dyslipidemias in children and adolescents]
  75. Bigec M; Kancler K; Seme-Ciglenečki P
    Sistematski pregledi v dispanzerjih za predšolske otroke
    [Systematic health examinations in dispensary for pre-school children]
  76. Burja S; Todorovič-Guid M; Golob-Tekauc A
    Preventivni vidik oskrbe novorojencev v porodnišnici
    [Preventive aspects of neonatal care at the maternity ward]
  77. Premik M
    Prvine vrednotenja presejalnih programov
    [Elements of the screening programme evaluation]
  78. Koražija-Krajšek K; Seme-Ciglenečki P
    Center za otroke z motnjami v razvoju: včeraj, danes, jutri
    [The centre for children with developmental disturbances: yestedray, today, tomorrow]
  79. Grgurić J
    Social pediatrics in war circumstances
    [Socialna pediatrija v vojnih okoliščinah]
  80. Finderle Žare
    Možnosti zdravljenja okvar mikrocirkulacije s hiperbarično oksigenacijo
    [Treatment of microcirculation with hyperbaric oxygenation]
  81. Fras Zlatko
    Angina pektoris ob arteriografsko normalnih koronarnih arterijah
    [Angina pectoris with normal angiography of coronary blood vessels]
  82. Videčnik Viktor
    Sistemske vezivno-tkivne bolezni in akrosindromi
    [Systemic connective-tissue disorders and acrosyndromes]
  83. Kozak Matija
    Kronična venska insuficienca in limfedem
    [Chronic venous insufficiency and lymphedema]
  84. Fras Zlatko
    Spremembe v mikrocirkulaciji pri sladkorni bolezni
    [Changes in microcirculation in diabetes mellitus]
  85. Poredoš Pavel
    Periferni arterijski ishemični sindrom in mikroangiopatija
    [Peripheral arterial ischemic syndrome and microangiopathy]
  86. Fras Z; Keber D; Demšar F; Jarh O; Lahajnar G; Sepe A
    31P magnetno resonančna spektroskopija ob izometrični mišični kontrakciji in arterijskem zažemu pri bolnikih z diabetično mikroangiopatijo
    [31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy during isometric muscular contraction and arterial occlusion in patients with diabetic microangiopathy]
  87. Demšar Franci
    Makromolekularna kontrastna sredstva
    [Macromolecular contrast agents]
  88. Cankar Ksenija; Finderle Žare
    Fluorescenčna kapilaroskopija
    [Fluorescence capillaroscopy]
  89. Finderle Žare; Cankar Ksenija
  90. Blinc Aleš
    Izmenjava snovi in tekočin
    [Exchange of matter and fluid]
  91. Kraigher A; Šmon L
    Cepljenje: navodila in priporočila
  92. Sket D
    Dinamična kompresija dihalnih poti
  93. Zupan A; Erjavec T; Šavrin R; Kralj A; Karčnik T; Škorjanc T; Benko H; Obreza P
    Respiratory muscle training and FES to enhance cough in tetraplegic patients
  94. Žargi M; Šmid L; Fajdiga I; Bubnič B; Lenarčič J; Oblak P
    Detection and localization of early laryngeal cancer with laser induced fluorescence - preliminary report
  95. Kralj B
    Effects of functional electrical stimulation on bladder detrusor activity
  96. Kuliš M; Rudel D
    EMG biofeedback device for detection and reduction of destructive masseter muscle force in patients with nocturnal bruxism
  97. Isakov E; Burger H; Krajnik J; Gregorič M; Marinček Č
    Influence of speed on gait parameters and on symmetry in below-knee amputees
  98. Krajnik J; Gregorič D; Vukadinović-Marn D
    Gait assessment in patients with limited dorsiflexion and eversion of the ankle
  99. Maček-Lebar A; Iglič A; Antolič V; Damjanić FB
    Cracks at the cement - prosthesis interface
  100. Šemrov D; Miklavčič D; Serša G; Čemažar M; Valenčič M; Valenčič V; Vodovnik L
    Calculation of the electrical parameters of solid tumour electrochemotherapy in mice

   40.082 40.182 40.282 40.382 40.482 40.582 40.682 40.782 40.882 40.982  

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