biomedicina slovenica

"AI" : 43.203-43.302

  1. Žvan B; Pečnik B
    Treatment of cluster headache
  2. Fusco BM; Giacovazzo M
    Cluster headache: clinical and immunological aspects
  3. Zerbini O; Recchia G
    Migraine and quality of life
  4. Ensink FBM; Saur P; Hanekop GG
    Review of clinical trial data on sumatriptan in comparison to standard therapies
  5. Vodušek DB
    Therapy of migraine and tension-type headache
  6. Mesec A
    Migraine - clinical picture and differential diagnosis
  7. Granella F; Manzoni GC
    Classification and epidemiology of headache
  8. Sinkovič Andreja
    Stranski učinki zdravljenja z antiagregacijskimi, antikoagulantnimi in fibrinolitičnimi sredstvi
    [Side effects of treatment with antiaggregation, anticoagulant and fibrinolytic substances]
  9. Tripkovič Mileta; Gulič Franjo; Lobnik Anton
    Glikozidi digitalisa in interakcije le-teh v zdravljenju internih bolezni
    [Digitalis glycosides and their interaction in the treatment of internal diseases]
  10. Kanič Vojko
    Neželjeni učinki antiangiozne terapije
    [Adverse effects of antianginal therapy]
  11. Pahor Artur
    Stranski učinki zdravljenja revmatskih bolezni s semikauzalno terapijo
    [Side effects of treatment of rheumatic diseases with semicasual therapy]
  12. Pernat Cvetka
    Kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni: terapija in stranski učinki terapije
    [Chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases: therapy and its side effects]
  13. Skok Pavel
    Neželjeni in stranski učinki medikamentnega zdravljenja peptične razjede
    [Undesirable and side effects of peptic ulcer treatment]
  14. Hojs Radovan
    Analgetična nefropatija
    [Analgesic nephropathy]
  15. Požar Andrej
    Okvare ledvic zaradi zdravil - pregled
    [Toxic action of drugs on kidneys]
  16. Možina Martin
    Spremljanje škodljivih neželenih učinkov zdravil: program WHO
    [Adverse drug reactions monitoring: program WHO]
  17. Šušterčič D
    Določanje stopnje polimerizacije dentalnih kompozitnih materialov z elektronsko paramagnetno resonanco
  18. Pišljar M
    Ocena vala P300 pri bolnikih s Parkinsonovo boleznijo
  19. Filipe M Isabel; Munoz Nubia; Matko Ivan; Kato Ikuko; Pompe-Kirn Vera; Juteršek Albert; Teuchmann Sibylle; Benz Maja; Prijon T
    Intestinal metaplasia types and the risk of gastric cancer: a cohort study in Slovenia
  20. Vaupotič J; Križman M; Planinič J; Pezdič J; Adamič K; Stegnar P; Kobal I
    Systematic indoor radon and gamma measurements in kindergartens and play schools in Slovenia
  21. Vaupotič J; Križman M; Planinič J; Kobal I
    Radon level reduction in two kindergartens in Slovenia
  22. Kolšek M
    Alcohol consumption among junior high school students in the community of Litija, Slovenia
  23. Audrezet MP; Canki-Klain N; Mercier B; Bracar D; Verlingue C; Ferec C
    Identification of three novel mutations (457 TAT-->G, D192G, Q685X) in the Slovenian CF patients
  24. Burger H; Marinček Č
    Upper limb prosthetic use in Slovenia
  25. Canki-Klain N
    Cyclotocephaly: severe form of midline malformation association
  26. Stegnar M; Pentek M
    Fibrinolytic response to venous occlusion in healthy subjects: relationship to age, gender, body weight, blood lipids and insulin (published erratum appears in Thromb Res 1993 Oct 15;72(2):173)
  27. Wraber T
    Nadlišček: isto ime za različna rastlinska rodova?
    [The same name for two different plant species?]
  28. Vidmar M
    Sprejem kadmija iz hranilne raztopine v paradižnik (Lycopersicum esculentum L. cv. 'Saint Piere'), ozkolistni trpotec (Plantago lanceolata L.) in endivijo (Cichorium endivia L. cv. 'Bossa')
    [The uptake of cadmium from the nutrient solution in tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L. cv. 'Saint Piere'), narrow leaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) and endivie (Cichorium endivia 'Bossa')]
  29. Sapač I
    Medicinske baze v informacijski službi Univerzitetne knjižnice Maribor
    [Medical bases available from the University library, Maribor, Information service]
  30. Ilić M
    Evropska pobuda na področju medicinske informatike
    [European initiatives in medical informatics]
  31. Drinovec J
    Antibiotiki pri okvari vitalnih organov
  32. Čakš J
    Zdravnik splošne medicine in bolnik z akutno kirurško boleznijo v trebuhu
  33. Kadrnka-Lovrenčić M; Stipančić G; Beara-Lasić L; Vignjević D; Lovrenčić M
    Treatment of children with central precocious puberty by a slow-release gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist
  34. Tonini G; Marinoni S; Rustico M; Prampolini P; Radillo L
    Ultrasonography in diagnosis of central precocious puberty
  35. Bernasconi S; Ghizzoni L; Vottero A; Zampolli M; Volta C; Onesti T; Costa M; Virdis R
    Premature pubarche: differential diagnosis, auxological features and clinical outcome
  36. Kržišnik C; Battelino T; Bratanič N; Hojker S; Pavlin K; Žerjav-Tanšek M; Bratina-Uršič N; Frelih J; Žemva B; Bratanič B; Vatovec J; Kolar G
    Results of screening for congenital hypothyroidism during the ten-year period (1981-1991) in Slovenia
  37. Lorini R; Avanzini MA; Vitali L; Cortona L; d'Annunzio G; Pignati P; Severi F
    Increased levels of antibodies to beta-lactoglobulin in children with newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetes and in their non-diabetic siblings
  38. Bratanič N; Kržišnik C; Kadrnka-Lovrenčić M; Vatovec J
    Limited joint mobility and hearing impairment in diabetic children and adolescents
  39. Kržišnik C
    24 years of growth hormone treatment in Slovenia
  40. Arnež M
    Septični šok pri otrocih
    [Septic shock in children]
  41. Tomazin I
    Zmrzline in njihova oskrba na terenu
    [Frostbite: prehospital care]
  42. Tomšič R; Černelč P
    Obsevanje vranice z ionizirajočimi žarki pri bolnikih s kronično limfocitno levkemijo
    [Splenic irradiation in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia]
  43. Modic M
    Naše izkušnje pri zdravljenju idiopatične avtoimunske hemolitične anemije s toplimi protitelesi
    [The treatment of idiopathic autoimmune haemolytic anaemia due to warm reacting autoantibodies]
  44. Fokter SK; Vengust V; Lovšin M; Kotnik M; Sajovic M
    Kirurško zdravljenje utesnitvenega sindroma ramena: naše izkušnje
    [Surgical treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome: our experience]
  45. Mušič E
    Prispevek k diagnostiki in zdravljenju difuznih intersticijskih pljučnih bolezni
    [Contribution to the diagnostics and therapy of diffuse interstitial lung diseases]
  46. Rode M; Vrbič V
    Spremembe na ustni sluznici pri skupini prebivalcev Slovenije, starih več kot 55 let
    [The changes in oral mucous membrane in the age group of over 55 years in Slovenia]
  47. Markota M
    Prikaz razvoja kazalnikov zdravstvenega stanja prebivalstva
    [Development of health status indicators in the general population]
  48. Kutnik F; Ocepek I; Dolenc I
    Zdravljenje zlomov trohanternega predela stegnenice - lastne izkušnje
    [Treatment of trochanteric area femur fractures - own experiences]
  49. Gračner T; Hojs R; Požar A
    Tranziciocelularni karcinom ledvice pri bolniku s končno odpovedjo ledvic, zdravljenim s hemodializo
    [Transitional-cell carcinoma of the kidney in patient with end-stage renal disease treated with haemodialysis]
  50. Tepeš B; Kavčič B
    Prospectivna študija trotirne antimikrobne terapije pacientov s Helicobacter pylori pozitivnim kroničnim duodenalnim ulkusom
    [Prospective study of triple antibacterial therapy in patients with Helicobacter pylori positive chronic duodenal ulcer]
  51. Gorišek J; Pinter Ž; Pocajt M; Kavalar R; Novak D
    Vpliv koloidnega bizmutovega subcitrata in ranitidina na eradikacijo bakterije Helicobacter pylori pri bolnikih z gastritisom in ulkusno boleznijo
    [The effect of colloidal bismuth subcitrate and ranitidin on eradication of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in patients with gastritis and peptic ulcer]
  52. Glaser E
    Anti hepatitis C virus pozitivni rezultati v luči preverjanja s testom RIBA
    [Anti HCV positive results in the light of verification with the RIBA test]
  53. Flis V
    Ambulantna kirurgija varic
    [Out-patient surgery of varicose veins]
  54. Takač I; Vlaisavljević V
    Preprečevanje pooperativnih zarastlin po mikrokirurški operaciji
    [Prevention of postoperative adhesion formation after microsurgical operation]
  55. Ilić M; Jagodic H; Paulin M; Ratkajec I; Grobovšek-Opara S; Dimec J; Rogač M; Gaspari J; Berger T; Brcar P; Cizelj H; Frankič D; Harlander D; Hočevar-Grom A; Hovnik-Keršmanc M; Jagodic H; Košir T; Kraigher A; Kraševec-Ravnik E; Križman I; Macarol-Hiti M; Mencej M; Ogrin R; Oražem A; Piškur-Kosmač D; Petrovič A; Rok-Simon M; Šumec T; Švab I; Truden P; Veber-Hartman Z; Mikulič C; Natek S; Slavec S; Urh B; Misjak J; Markota M; Moravec-Berger D; Sušelj M; Šašek C; Tomažič T; Hudomalj E; Klemenčič E; Kosmač R; Rožić A
    Elementi enotnosti zdravstvenega informacijskega sistema v Republiki Sloveniji. 2. fazno poročilo: znanstveno in strokovno informiranje in komuniciranje
  56. Ilić M; Jagodic H; Paulin M; Ratkajec I; Grobovšek-Opara S; Dimec J; Rogač M; Gaspari J; Brcar P; Cizelj H; Frankič D; Harlander D; Hočevar-Grom A; Hovnik-Keršmanc M; Jagodic H; Košir T; Kraigher A; Kraševec-Ravnik E; Križman I; Macarol-Hiti M; Mencej M; Ogrin R; Oražem A; Piškur-Kosmač D; Rok-Simon M; Šumec T; Švab I; Truden P; Veber-Hartman Z; Žorž G; Mikulič C; Natek S; Slavec S; Urh B; Misjak J; Markota M; Moravec-Berger D; Sušelj M; Šašek C; Tomažič T; Hudomalj E; Klemenčič E; Kosmač R; Rožić A; Berger T
    Elementi enotnosti zdravstvenega informacijskega sistema v Republiki Sloveniji. 2. fazno poročilo: standardi na področju povezovanja informacijskih sistemov in podatkovnih komunikacijah.
  57. Noč M
    Vloga umetnega dihanja med kardiopulmonalnim oživljanjem
  58. Pistotnik B
    Merjenje gibljivosti s klasičnim kotomerom
    [Measuring flexibility with classical protractor]
  59. Ušaj A; Karpuljuk D
    Kazalniki, ki jih daje kriterij praga acidoze, bolje ocenjujejo tekmovalno zmogljivost v teku na 5000 m od kazalnikov, ki jih daje Conconijev kriterij
    [Indicators obtained from the criterion of acidosis threshold better assess competitive capacity in 5000 m run than those obtained by Conconi's criterion]
  60. Filipič A
    Zanesljivost in veljavnost izbranih motoričnih testov v tenisu
    [Reliability and validity of the chosen motorics test in tennis]
  61. Ažman J
    Psihična gotovost je v samousmerjanju in samoobvladovanju
    [Psychic certainty is in self-guidance and self-control]
  62. Dragoš S
    Vprašalnik za nove socialne dejavnosti v Sloveniji
    [Questionnaire for new social services]
  63. Lešnik B
  64. Zaviršek D
    Psihiatrični oddelek med boleznijo in njeno kulturno manifestacijo
    [Psychiatric department between illness and its cultural manifestations]
  65. Borštnar S
    Evalvacijska raziskovanja v svetu in evalviranje programov
    [Evaluation research in the wound and the evaluation of programmes]
  66. Balažic J
    Activities of the Institute of forensic medicine in identifying victims of mass disasters
  67. Šerko A; Jančigaj T; Štefanič B
    Identification problems in ten-day war
  68. Štefanič B; Jančigaj T
    Individual special cases of identification
  69. Mathiesen UL; Krusinska E; Bodemar G; Chowdhury S; Babič A; Franzen L; Fryden A; Wigertz O
    Investigation and follow-up of patients with raised levels of liver transaminases: computerised support for high quality and cost-effectiveness
  70. Luban-Ploza B; Pozzi U
    V sožitju s stresom
  71. Zver G; Šubic J; Kolbl R; Vidmar S; Orel J
    Nursing care of patients with different modes of postoperative analgesia following thoracotomy for lung cancer
  72. Zupan A
    Ocenjevanje funkcijskega stanja bolnikov z živčno-mišičnimi boleznimi
  73. Rakar S; Čavič M; Kobal B; Tomaževič T
    Hysterectomie a la Clinique universitaire de Ljubljana
  74. Golouh R; Bračko M; Coer A
    Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions in recurrent lipomatous tumors
  75. Komel R; Rozman D; Vitas M; Drobnič K; Kelly SL
    Looking for the gene enconding the fungal cytochrome P450 involved in 11 beta-hydroxylation of steroids: application of PCR techniques
  76. Žemva N
    Rad bi povedal
  77. Hristovski D
    Poenoten dostop do različnih medicinskih bibliografskih zbirk podatkov
    [Unified access to medical bibliographic databases]
  78. Penko M
    Indikacije, kontraindikacije in zapleti pri zdravljenju varic s sklerozacijo
    [Indications, contraindications and complications of sclerotherapy in management of varicose veins]
  79. Skorin M; Pustai L
    Lokalno zdravljenje aken in rosacee
    [Local treatment of acne and rosacea]
  80. Škapin M; Žerdoner D; Vučer Z; Lavrenčič N
    Poškodbe mlečnikov s posledicami na stalnih zobeh
    [Disorders of the permanent dentition caused by injury to primary teeth]
  81. Šircelj M; Grošelj M
    Pedontolog - izvajalec mladinskega zobozdravstvenega varstva
    [Pedontist - dental care provider for young people]
  82. Škapin M; Košir N
    Obolevnost triletnih otrok
    [Caries prevalence in three-year-old children]
  83. Premik M; Vrbič V
    Vrednotenje preventivnega zobozdravstvenega programa v Sloveniji
    [Evaluation of the preventive dental care programme in Slovenia]
  84. Vrbič V; Premik M
    Zmanjšanje kariesa pri slovenski mladini
    [Caries decline among children and adolescents in Slovenia]
  85. Brcar-Štrukelj P
    Projekt modernizacije šolske medicine
    [Project for modernization of school medicine]
  86. Kolšek M
    Alkohol, mladina in mi
    [Alcohol, youth and society]
  87. Šimunić M
    Preventiva kroničnih nenalezljivih bolezni pri pivcih alkoholnih pijač
    [Prevention non-infectious chronic diseases in excessive consumers of alcohol]
  88. Hovnik-Keršmanc M; Čehovin T; Klančič D; Knap AM; Podlesnik P; Premelč J; Rode-Zalokar P; Vivod-Pečnik Ž
    Zadovoljstvo bolnikov s trajanjem prvih obiskov pri vzorcu zdravnikov splošne medicine v Sloveniji v letu 1991
    [Satisfaction of patients with the duration of first visits in a sample of general practitioners in 1991 in Slovenia]
  89. Božiček V
    Zdravstveno vzgojno delo medicinske sestre v Bistrici ob Sotli v okviru preventivne družinske medicine
    [Health educational work of the registered nurse in the framework of preventive family practice in Bistrica ob Sotli (Republic of Slovenia)]
  90. Božiček F
    Družinska medicina in zdravstvena vzgoja v Bistrici ob Sotli
    [Family practice and health education in Bistrica ob Sotli (Republic of Slovenia)]
  91. Ban S
    Družinska rekreacija - eden od dejavnikov varovanja zdravja
    [Family recreation - one of health protection factors]
  92. Sušnik J
    Ali družinski zdravnik izpodriva zdravnika medicine dela? (Purgatorij medicine dela)
    [Does family physician supersede industrial physician?]
  93. Kancler K
    Dispanzer za otroke danes
    [Out-patient clinic for children to-day]
  94. Košir T
    Splošna medicina v obdobju 1945-1980
    [General practice during the period 1945-1980]
  95. Kersnik J
    Vzorec predpisovanja zdravil v ambulantni praksi zdravnika splošne medicine kot merilo za ocenjevanje kakovosti
    [Office drug prescription pattern in general practice as source of audit for quality assessement]
  96. Smrkolj V; Hočevar Z
    Maleolarni zlomi
    [Malleolar fractures]
  97. Breskvar K; Dolžan V; Lenasi H; Rudolf Z; Hudnik-Plevnik T
    Analiza polimorfizma citokroma P-450 (CYPIID6), ki metabolizira ksenobiotike pri človeku
    [Analysis of polymorphism of human cytochromme P-450 (CYPIID6) involved in xenobiotic metabolism]
  98. Podboj J; Remškar Z
    Diagnostični postopek pri bolnikih z alergijskim rinitisom
    [Diagnostic procedure in patients with allergic rhinitis]
  99. Cijan A
    Perkutana balonska valvuloplastika - alternativa operativni komisurotomiji
    [Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty - an alternative to surgical mitral commissurotomy]
  100. Švab I
    Multivariatna analiza vzrokov napotitev iz splošnih ambulant
    [Multivariate analysis of the reasons for referral from general practice]

   42.703 42.803 42.903 43.003 43.103 43.203 43.303 43.403 43.503 43.603  

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