biomedicina slovenica

"AI" : 42.203-42.302

  1. Glaser M; Černelč P
    Imunoglobulini pri zdravljenju bolnikov s kronično idiopatično trombocitopenično purpuro
    [Immunoglobulin therapy in chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura]
  2. Hojs R
    Pridobljena cistična bolezen ledvic pri bolnikih s kronično ledvično odpovedjo
    [Acquired cystic disease of the kidney in patients with chronic renal failure]
  3. Kovačič B; Vlaisavljević V
    Primerjava ultrahitrega in počasnega zamrzovanja mišjih zarodkov
    [Comparison of ultrarapid and slow freezing of mouse embryos]
  4. Hojs R; Hojs-Fabjan T; Lobnik A
    Hereditarna koproporfirija - prikaz primera in pregled literature
    [Hereditary coproporphyria - case report and review of the literature]
  5. Hojs R
    Vranica pri bolnikih z analgetično nefropatijo, zdravljenih s kronično hemodializo
    [Spleen in patients with analgesic nephropathy treated with maintenance haemodialysis]
  6. Čizmarevič B; Munda A
    Rekonstrukcija okvar po obsežnih ekscizijah intraoralnih karcinomov z otočnim kožno-mišičnim režnjem velike prsne mišice
    [Reconstructive surgery after extensive excision of intraoral carcinomas with pectoralis major myocutaneous island flaps]
  7. Flis V; Mrđa B; Szalai G; Agoston I; Matela J
    Subclavian obliteration and steal syndrome: when to operate? Case reports
    [Zapora arterije subklavije in kradežni sindrom: kdaj operativna terapija? Prikaz primerov]
  8. Zupančič Ž; Černelč B; Bračika-Vidmar D; Višnar-Perovič A
    Peritonealna tekočina: diagnostični pomen preiskave z ultrazvokom
    [Ultrasound of the peritoneal fluid: its diagnostic significance]
  9. Pavčnik D
    Perkutano transkatetrsko vstavljanje stentov
    [Percutaneous transcatheter stent placement]
  10. Šurlan M
    Perkutana transluminalna angioplastika
    [Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty]
  11. Čerk M
    Preiskave z magnetno resonanco v nevroradiologiji
    [Magnetic resonance imaging in neuroradiology]
  12. Barišić N; Lovrek V
    Kritična analiza spremljanja uporabe zdravil v pediatrični ustanovi
    [Critical analysis of drug use surveillance in a pediatric hospital]
  13. Komadina R; Batišta M; Brilej D
    Odlomi petnice pod narastiščem Ahilove tetive
    [Avulsions of posterior part of calcaneus]
  14. Mermolja M; Debeljak A; Rutar-Zupančič M
    Štetje in diferenciacija celic v plevralnih izlivih
    [Total and differential count of the cells in pleural effusions]
  15. Kotnik V; Kirschfink M
    Kako spoznati motnje v delovanju komplementnega sistema?
    [How to detect defects in function of the complement system?]
  16. Čretnik A; Kosanović M; Batišta M
    Subkutano prešitje pretrgane Ahilove tetive pri 76-letni poškodovanki
    [Subcutaneous suturing of the ruptured Achilles tendon at 76 years old patient]
  17. Tavčar R
    Bipolarna motnja razpoloženja ali Lymska borelioza? Prikaz bolnice
    [Bipolar mood disorder or Lyme borreliosis? A case report]
  18. Koren I
    Legionarska bolezen s hudim potekom pri astmatiku
    [Legionnaires' disease with severe clinical course in asthmatic patient]
  19. Plahuta A
    Spontani in operativno pogojeni razvoj kokse valge ter njen vpliv na tvorbo kolčne ponvice
    [Spontaneous versus operation conditioned development of coxa valga deformity and its influence on the formation of acetabulum]
  20. Suhač H; Kraigher A; Naveržnik-Troha B
    Ugotavljanje ogroženosti prebivalstva zaradi davice v Sloveniji
  21. Matjašič M; Kraigher A; Kotnik A
    Prekuženost naše populacije proti poliovirusom
  22. Kraigher A
    Vloga mikrobiološkega laboratorija pri obvladovanju epidemij in nadzorovanju cepljenja
  23. Poljak M; Seme K; Avšič-Županc T
    Verižna reakcija s polimerazo v molekularni epidemiologiji
  24. Paragi M; Gubina M; Kraigher A
    Tipizacija pnevmokokov
  25. Gašperlin M; Šmid-Korbar J; Kristl J
    Influence of hydrocolloids on the physical properties of semi solid emulsion systems containing silicone surfactant
  26. Bogataj M; Mrhar A; Korošec L
    Evaluation of bioadhesive properties of microspheres on isolated guinea pig vesical and intestinal mucosa
  27. Strle F; Cimperman J; Pejovnik-Pustinek A; Rigler-Pleterski D; Ružić E; Jereb M
    Erythema migrans: findings in 848 patients
  28. Strle F; Pejovnik-Pustinek A; Pleterski-Rigler D; Stanek G; Cimperman J; Ružić E
    Clinical features of Borrelia lymphocytoma
  29. Cheng Y; Han D-M; Picken RN; Picken MM; Nelson JA; Ružić-Sabljić E; Cimperman J; Maraspin V; Lotrič-Furlan S; Strle F
    Detection and diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis by culture and in vitro amplification assay
  30. Poljak M
    PCR v medicinski mikrobiologiji
  31. Pavelić J; Hlavka V; Poljak M; Gale N; Pavelić K
    p53 immunoreactivity in oligodendrogliomas
  32. Mrhar A; Karba R; Irman-Florjanc T; Primožič S; Erjavec F
    Modeling and computer simulation of histamine pharmacokinetics
  33. Hesse S; Luecke D; Maležič M; Bertelt C; Friedrich H; Gregorič M; Mauritz KH
    Botulinum toxin treatment for lower limb extensor spasticity in chronic hemiparetic patients
  34. Šorli J; Kandare F; Jaeger R; Stanič U
    Ventilatory assistance using electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles
  35. Jerčinović A; Karba R; Vodovnik L; Stefanovska A; Krošelj P; Turk R; Džidić I; Benko H; Šavrin R
    Low frequency pulsed current and pressure ulcer healing
  36. Vodovnik L; Karba R
    Treatment of chronic wounds by means of electric and electromagnetic fields. Part 1. Literature review
  37. Stefanovska A; Vodovnik L; Benko H; Turk R
    Treatment of chronic wounds by means of electric and electromagnetic fields. Part 2. Value of FES parameters for pressure sore treatment
  38. Kralj A; Leš M; Munih M; Bajd T; Turk R
    Sensory feedback for enhancing FES in spinal cord injured patients
  39. Herman S; Stanič U; Merhar J; Demšar H; Kljajič N; Maležič M; Vrtačnik P; Aćimović-Janežič R; Kljajić M
    Interpretation of pre-operative and post-operative results of gait in patients with total hip replacement
  40. Stanič U; Herman S; Merhar J; Demšar H; Kljajič N; Maležič M; Vrtačnik P; Aćimović-Janežič R; Kljajić M
    Gait evaluation method in patients with implanted hip prosthesis
  41. Eržen M; Rainer S; Kališnik M; Kovačič J; Blejec A
    Classification of microinvasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix using quantitative analysis of pathological features and linear discriminant function
  42. Stegnar M; Meglič A; Meglič L; Novak-Antolič Ž
    Fibrinolysis after delivery: caesarean section versus vaginal delivery
  43. Prestor B
    Sodobno zdravljenje malignih možganskih tumorjev
  44. Godec M
    Zdravljenje bolečine v pooperativnem obdobju
  45. Fettich M; Pregelj R
    Specifično medikamentozno zdravljenje nevrokirurškega bolnika
  46. Belicza B
    Prof. dr. Lujo Thaller in predavanja iz zgodovine medicine na Medicinski fakulteti v Zagrebu
    [Prof. dr. Lujo Thaller and the lectures on history of medicine at the Medical faculty of the University of Zagreb]
  47. Zupanič-Slavec Z
    Doc. dr. Ivan Pintar, življenje in delo - uvodnik
    [Doc. dr. Ivan Pintar - his life and work - leading article]
  48. Muzur A
    Pharmacopeia Krležiana
    [Pharmacopeia Krležiana]
  49. Dugački V
    Kirurg suptilne duše Miroslav Čačković, (1865-1930)
    [The soulful surgeon Miroslav Čačković, (1865-1930)]
  50. Jesenšek M
    Jezik v prvem slovenskem priročniku za babice
    [The language in the first Slovene manual for midwives]
  51. Štolfa F
    Dr. Anton Schwab - med medicino in umetnostjo
    [Dr. Anton Schwab - between medicine and art]
  52. Grdina I
    Dr. Josip Ipavic med glasbo, literaturo in medicino
    [Dr. Josip Ipavic - between medicine, music and literature]
  53. Predin Š
    Ivan Hubad, magister farmacije, pesnik, prevajalec, urednik, poliglot, Minarikov nagrajenec
    [Iban Hubad, M.Pharm., writer, translator, editor, polyglot and Minarik prizewinner]
  54. Krbavčič A
    Doktor vsega zdravilistva in magister farmacije Rikard Karba kot Šorlijev dr. Sever v romanu Človek in pol
    [MUDR and MSc Pharm Rikard Karba in Šorli's novel This is a man]
  55. Rant A
    Dr. Polde Brenčič - zobozdravnik in pesnik (1905-1986)
    [Dr. Polde Brenčič - dentist and poet (1905-1986)]
  56. Prijatelj A
    Fran Goestl in Franc Derganc star. - zdravnika in pisatelja
    [Fran Goestl and Franc Derganc sen. - the doctors and writers]
  57. Vulikić V
    Prof. dr. Aleksander Gala in prim. dr. Božena Grosman - partizanska pisatelja
    [Prof. Aleksander Gala, M.D. and prim. Božena Grosman, M.D. - the partisan writers]
  58. Zupanič-Slavec Z
    Dr. Lojz Kraigher - pisatelj, zdravnik, politik
    [Dr. Lojz Kraigher - writer, physician, politician]
  59. Jurak M
    Wystan Hugh Auden in medicina
    [Wystan Hugh Auden and medicine]
  60. Javornik M
    Motiv zdravnika v ustvarjanju M. A. Bulgakova kot simptom preloma v kontinuiteti kulture
    [The motive of medical doctor in the work of Mihail A. Bulgakov as a symtom of break in the continuity of culture]
  61. Glaser E
    Vpliv Paracelsusove medicinske miselnosti na ustvarjalnost velikega pesnika in misleca Johanna von Goetheja v Faustu
    [The influence of medical thought of Paracelsus on the creativity of the great poet and philosopher J. W. Goethe, as displayed in Faust]
  62. Lunaček M
    Prispevek Vladimirja Bartola k uvedbi in popularizaciji psihoanalize
    [The contribution of Vladimir Bartol to the introduction and popularization of the psychoanalysis]
  63. Milčinski L
    Obličja norosti
    [The faces of madness]
  64. Zupančič BM
    Literatura in psihoanaliza
    [Literature and psychoanalysis]
  65. Virk T
    Ožji in širši vidik odnosa med literaturo in medicino
    [The relationship between literature and medicine]
  66. Zalokar J
    Zdravnik-pisatelj: preseganje, dopolnitev in potrditev poklica
    [Doctor-writer: transcendence, supplement and corroboration of profession]
  67. Kos J
    Podobe sveta v delih literarnih ustvarjalcev medicincev
    [Images of the world in the works of literary creators - doctors]
  68. Zupanič-Slavec Z
    Med medicino in literaturo - uvodnik
    [Between medicine and literature - leading article]
  69. Domajnko M
    Raziskava o zasvojenosti med osnovnošolci občine Ljutomer
    [Study of addiction among primary school pupils in the Ljutomer region]
  70. Černelč S; Vatovec J; Žargi M; Volovšek A; Knez S; Volovšek S
    Vpliv poslušanja glasne glasbe na sluh mladih
    [Influence of loud music on hearing in adolescents]
  71. Juričič M; Arko U
    Šolanje in zdravje osnovnošolcev
    [Schooling and health of primary school pupils]
  72. Novak H
    Ali so slovenski osnovnošolci preobremenjeni z delom za šolo?
    [Are Slovenian primary-school pupils overburdened with school-work?]
  73. Kristančič A
    Komunikacija v odnosu zdravnik-pacient ali: pogovor zdravi
    [Communication between doctor and patient or: conversation heals]
  74. Gabrijelčič M
    Breme učnega neuspeha
    [The burden of poor school success]
  75. Slodnjak V
    Psihosocialne motnje po težki poškodbi možganov
    [Psychosocial disorders after severe brain injury]
  76. Kuzman M
    Pomen okvare sluha v diagnostiki šolskega neuspeha
    [The significance of hearing impairment in diagnostics of learning difficulties]
  77. Donadini M
    Šolski otroci kot pregnanci in begunci v splitski regiji
    [Schoolchildren as exiles and refugees in the Split region]
  78. Zagorc S
    Predstavitev preventivnih in raziskovalnih programov pri delu z mladimi
    [A presentation of preventive and research programmes in work with young people]
  79. Krek M; Mišigoj-Krek J; Maslo M; Orbanič V; Merljak I
    Pogostnost uživanja nekaterih drog med mladimi
    [Frequency of certain types of drug abuse among young people]
  80. Jerman L
    Kajenje med srednješolci v Novem mestu
    [Cigarette smoking among high school pupils in Novo mesto]
  81. Kokalj A
    Razširjenost gledanja televizije med mladimi Celjani
    [Frequency of television viewing among youth in the Celje region]
  82. Maslo M; Krek M
    Vzgoja mladostnika za zdravo življenje v prostem času
    [The education of youths for a healthy life in their leisure time]
  83. Čuk J
    Zdravnikova vloga v preventivnih aktivnostih lokalne skupnosti
    [The doctor's role in preventive activities of local communities]
  84. Plut-Levstek M
    Šolar in prosti čas
    [The pupil and leisure time]
  85. Mugoša J; Prunk-Franetič B
    Obveznosti in prosti čas naših šolarjev
    [Obligations and leisure time of Slovenian schoolchildren]
  86. Šušteršič-Bregar V
    Obravnava astme pri otrocih v šolskem dispanzerju
    [Treatment of asthma in children at the primary health centre]
  87. Maren J
    Analiza zdravstvenega stanja študentov
    [Analysis of student health]
  88. Damjan H
    Koncept timske obravnave otrok po poškodbi glave
    [The concept of team treatment of children after head injury]
  89. Glavnik V; Kuhar M
    Alergijski rinitis
    [Allergic rhinitis]
  90. Rakar R
    Prolongirano febrilno stanje pri otroku (FUO in psevdo-FUO)
    [Prolonged fever in children (FUO and pseudoFUO)]
  91. Hojker S; Dremelj M; Porenta M
    Endemska golša v Sloveniji
    [Endemic goitre in Slovenia]
  92. Oven T
    Refrakcijske anomalije pri študentih ljubljanske univerze in spremembe v času študija
    [Refraction errors and their variations in students at the Univesity of Ljubljana]
  93. Lobnik-Krunič B; Turčin Z; Schmidt-Krajnc M
    Celostna obravnava šolarja z epilepsijo
    [Complex treatment of schoolchildren with epilepsy]
  94. Pečak F
    Možnosti in cilji razvojnonevrološke obravnave (RNO) otrok
    [Possibilities and objectives of neurodevelopmental treatment of children]
  95. Brcar P; Polič M
    Otrokovo razumevanje zdravja in bolezni
    [The child's understanding of illness and health]
  96. Simonič J; Soršak E
    Zobozdravstvena preventiva v mariborskih osnovnih šolah - uvajanje, izvajanje in rezultati
    [Preventive dental treatment in Maribor primary schools - introduction, implementation and results]
  97. Horvat T; Belović B
    Preprečevanje kajenja med učenci srednjih šol v Murski Soboti
    [Prevention of smoking among secondary school pupils in Murska Sobota]
  98. Jakić M
    Pojav menarhe pri sestrah
    [Occurrence of menarche in sisters]
  99. Anžin M
    Šola dobre drže
    [Back school]
  100. Tancig S
    Programi gibalne vzgoje za otroke s posebnimi potrebami
    [Movement education programmes for children with special needs]

   41.703 41.803 41.903 42.003 42.103 42.203 42.303 42.403 42.503 42.603  

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