biomedicina slovenica

"AI" : 41.903-42.002

  1. Ihan A
    Primerjava eno-, dvo- in tribarvne fluorescentne metode za ugotavljanje koncentracije celic T pomagalk in zaviralk v krvi
    [A comparison of one, two and three color T cell subset analysis with single laser flow cytometer for the immune status monitoring]
  2. Kotnik V
    Ugotavljanje vzroka nekaterih kroničnih ponavljajočih se okužb
    [Determination of the cause of certain chronic recurrent infections]
  3. Ravnik M; Hren-Vencelj H; Avšič-Županc T; Poljak M; Potočnik M; Bokal-Vrtačnik E
    Verižna reakcija s polimerazo v diagnostiki urogenitalnih okužb z bakterijo Chlamydia trachomatis - preliminarni rezultati
    [Diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis urogenital infections by polymerase chain reaction - preliminary report]
  4. Hren-Vencelj H; Kralj B; Derganc M
    Kaj vemo o spolno prenesenih klamidijskih okužbah v Sloveniji
    [What we know about sexually transmitted chlamydial infections in Slovenia]
  5. Pokrajac T; Gubina M; Derganc M; Dragaš AZ; Mueller-Premru M; Muzlovič I; Vidmar I; Lazar I; Kalan G
    Ocena metode kvantitativnih hemokultur in njen pomen za diagnozo katetrske sepse
    [The evaluation of a method of the quantitative blood culture in the diagnosis of the catheter related sepsis]
  6. Mueller-Premru M; Dragaš AZ; Gubina M; Derganc M; Grosek Š; Pokrajac T
    Vloga osrednjih venskih katetrov pri nastanku sepse nedonošenčkov
    [The role of central venous catheters in sepsis of premature newborns]
  7. Dragaš AZ; Levstik A
    Ocena fizikalne in mikrobicidne uspešnosti pranja nočnih posod z napravo BLATEX PD-1N
    [The evaluation of physical and microbicidal efficiency of washing bedpans with BLATEX PD-1N]
  8. Gubina M; Ihan A; Ferlan-Marolt V; Tepeš B; Logar-Car G; Križman I
    Helicobater pylori ter naše diagnostične in terapevtske izkušnje
    [Helicobacter pylori and our diagnostical and therapeutical experiences]
  9. Eberl-Gregorič E; Filipič B
    Vpliv humanega alfa interferona na okužbo celic z bakterijo Legionella pneumophila
    [The influence of human alpha interferon on cell infection with bacteria Legionella pneumophila]
  10. Kuret Jošt
    Ohranitev ultrastructure biološkega materiala s kriofiksacijo in kriodehidracijo
    [Preservation of biological material with cryofixation and cryodehydration]
  11. Keše D; Hren-Vencelj H; Marin J; Knol A
    Okužbe z respiratornim sincicijskim virusom v obdobju 1990-1995 v Sloveniji
    [Respiratory syncytial virus infections from 1990 to 1995 in Slovenia]
  12. Avšič-Županc T; Petrovec M; Jelovšek M; Strle F
    Medicinsko pomembni arbovirusi v Sloveniji
    [Medically important arboviruses in Slovenia]
  13. Marin J; Keše D
    Dokazovanje okužb, ki jih povzroča virus Epstein-Barr; encimsko imunski test namesto posredne imunofluorescence
    [Diagnosis of Epstein-Barr virus infections, enzyme-immuno assay instead of indirect immunofluorescence]
  14. Seme K; Poljak M; Brinovec V; Lešničar G
    Uporabnost seroloških testov tretje generacije v posredni diagnostiki okužbe z virusom hepatitisa C
    [Evaluation of third-generation screening and confirmatory assays for hepatitis C virus antibodies]
  15. Poljak M; Seme K; Kristančič L; Vidmar L; Tomažič J
    Pomen verižne reakcije s polimerazo v diagnostiki okužbe s HIV
    [Polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of HIV infection]
  16. Kališnik M; Zgaga P; Maretinc-Požarnik B; Mahnič V; Mihevc B
    Assisting quality assessment and improvement in the higher education institutions of Slovenia
  17. Bajd T; Munih M; Kralj A; Šavrin R; Benko H
    Voluntary commands for FES-assisted walking in incomplete SCI subjects
  18. Bogataj U; Gros N; Kljajić M; Aćimović R; Maležič M
    The rehabilitation of gait in patients with hemiplegia: a comparison between conventional therapy and multichannel functional electrical stimulation therapy
  19. Erjavec T
    Pomen obremenilnega testiranja pri rehabilitaciji bolnikov po amputacijah udov žilnega vzroka
  20. Vovk M
    Uporaba nadomestne komunikacije v rehabilitaciji oseb po poškodbi glave
  21. Grubič Z; Štalc A; Šentjurc M; Pečar S; Gentry MK; Doctor BP
    Different effects of two peripheral anionic site-binding ligands on acetylcholinesterase active-site gorge topography revealed by electron paramagnetic resonance
  22. Boyle P; Primic-Žakelj M
    Evropski kodeks proti raku
    [European code against cancer]
  23. Srebot-Repinc M; Kikel A
    Odnos gorenjskih osnovnošolcev in srednješolcev do alkohola in drog
    [The attitude of primary and secondary schoolchildren towards alcohol and drugs]
  24. Tavčar R
    Število sprejemov v psihiatrično bolnišnico kot kazalec sezonskih sprememb pojavljanja duševnih motenj
    [Number of admissions to psychiatric hospital as an indicator of seasonal variations in the occurrence of mental disorders]
  25. Družina B
    Osnovni pojmi ocene tveganja in varnostne analize za preprečevanje nesreč z nevarnimi snovmi v okolju
    [Basic concepts and procedures of risk assessment and safety analysis for the prevention of accidents with dangerous substances in environment]
  26. Tomazin I
    Urgentna helikopterska medicinska služba v slovenskih gorah
    [Emergency helicopter medical service in Slovenian mountains]
  27. Likar M
    Infekcije s protozoji pri AIDSu
  28. Milić-Lončar K; Gašparović S
    Acute cholecystitis as a complications in multiple trauma patients
  29. Avsec-Letonja D; Zabavnik Z; Letonja S; Šeruga T
    Bronchial rupture after blunt trauma
  30. Šakić K; Šakić Š
    Temperature monitoring in regional and general anaesthesia
  31. Muzzi R; Bertolissi M; Peressutti R; Petrei D; Bernardi G; Da Col P; Ling-Xu H; Giordano F
    Anaesthesia management for emergency CABG after failed elective PTCA: our experience
  32. Krčevski-Škvarč N
    Our experience in the treatment of complex regional pain syndrome type 1 with sympathetic or epidural blocking
  33. Da Broi U; Pasqualucci A; Colo F; Girardis M; Chiarandini P; Gonano C; Pasetto A
    Respiratory drive depression and ventilatory function impairment after general anesthesia for upper abdominal surgery
  34. Polajnar A; Petrun-Ulaga M
    Comparison of ketamine or propofol induction at halothane anaesthesia
  35. Kasnik D; Rus-Vaupot V
    Total intravenous anaesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy
  36. Špec-Marn A; Kremžar B; Bukovac T; Kandus A
    Brain death determination and guidelines for preoperative management of organ donors
  37. Vončina J
    Transplant procurement management
  38. Viviani M; Dragani M; Soiat M; Berlot G; Gullo A
    The use of laryngeal mask airway in minor surgical procedures: cardiorespiratory implications and complications
  39. Hribar-Habinc M; Pečan B; Berčič B; Kardoš Z
    First experiences in laryngeal mask airway (LMA) and combitube training
  40. Starc B; Pečan M
    Training in resuscitation during medical study at University of Ljubljana
  41. Kosmač N; Primožič J; Vlahovič D
    Helicopter transport in SLO
  42. Tomazin I; Zupančič M
    Emergency medical service in Slovenian mountains
  43. Zeidler F; Stojanović D; Lakić T
    Quality assessment of basic and advanced cardiac life support applied by emergency medical services in the regions of Rijeka and Istra/Croatia
  44. Anonymous ;
    Prva pomoč
    [First aid]
  45. Gajšek B
    Vključevanje ozona v čiščenje izcednih voda
    [Application of ozone in the treatment of landfill leachate]
  46. Krstič N; Bilban M; Česen M
    Nekateri gospodarski aspekti pri proizvodnji in ceni tobačnih izdelkov v Republiki Sloveniji v obdobju januar 1991 - julij 1994
    [Some economic aspects in production of tobacco products and the prices thereof in the Republic of Slovenia in the period from january 1991 to july 1994]
  47. Kobal AB
    Vpliv rudnika živega srebra na okolje in prebivalce v Idriji
    [The influence of Idrija mercury mine on the environment and inhabitants of Idrija]
  48. Smrkolj A; Popovič R; Lunder T
    Keratosis lichenoides chronica
  49. Melato M; Cecovini G; Perazza L; Grandi G
    Perineural invasion in solitary keratoacanthoma: a malignant feature?
  50. Marschalko M; Preisz K; Harsing J; Horvath A
    Pyoderma vegetans. Report on a case and review of data on pyoderma vegetans and cutaneous botryomycosis
  51. Fakin B
    Factors contributing to the chronic venous insufficiency
  52. Cvelbar M
    Kakovostni in varnostni vidik uporabe biotehnoloških zdravilnih učinkovin
    [Quality and safety aspect of biotechnology products]
  53. Ihan A
    Mehanizmi preobčutljivostnih reakcij
    [Mechanisms of hypersensitivity reactions]
  54. Meden-Vrtovec H
    GnRH analog administration in patients with polycystic ovarian disease
  55. Jevtič V; Watt I; Rozman B; Kos-Golja M; Demšar F; Jarh O
    Distinctive radiological features of small hand joints in rheumatoid arthritis and seronegative spondyloarthritis demonstrated by contrast-enhanced (Gd-DTPA) magnetic resonance imaging
  56. Bigec M; Kancler K; Završnik J; Židanik A; Kokol P
    Možnost znanstvenoraziskovalnega dela na področju socialne in razvojne pediatrije v Dispanzerju za otroke Maribor
    [Possibilities for scientific research work in the field of social and developmental paediatrics at the Children's health centre Maribor]
  57. Batinić D
    Urodynamics in children
  58. Kenda R; Fettich J; Zupančič Ž
    Presejanje asimptomatskih sorojencev otrok z vezikoureternim refluksom
    [Screening of asymptomatic siblings of children with vesicoureteral reflux]
  59. Riccabona M; Ring E; Schwinger W
    Ultrasound in urinary tract infection
  60. Turi S
    Urinary tract infections: a brief overview
  61. Gregorič A; Tetičkovič E
    Merjenje nekaterih parametrov krvnega pretoka v skupnih karotidnih arterijah z Dopplerjevo sonografijo pri otrocih in mladostnikih z zvišanim in normalnim krvnim tlakom
    [Doppler sonographic measurement of some blood flow parameters in common carotid arteries of hypertensive and normotensive children and adolescents]
  62. Dillon MJ
    Childhood hypertension
  63. Vidmar IM; Gostiša A; Ponikvar R; Lazar I
    Akutna ledvična odpoved (ALO) pri otrocih z odpovedjo številnih organskih sistemov
    [Acute renal failure in children with multiple organ system failure]
  64. Drinovec J
    Kronična odpoved ledvic v otroštvu
    [Chronic renal failure in children]
  65. Ferluga D; Jakša I; Jurčić V; Vizjak A; Hvala A
    Patologija glomerulnih ledvičnih bolezni pri otrocih
    [Pathology of glomerular kidney diseases in children]
  66. Avguštin-Čavić M
    Oblika eritrocitov v seču otrok z različnimi patomorfološkimi oblikami glomerulopatij
    [Urinary erythrocyte morphology in various pathomorphologic forms of glomerulopathies in children]
  67. Niaudet P
    Schoenlein-Henoch purpura nephritis
  68. Leumann E
    Haematuria in children: a cause for concern?
  69. Pinter B
    Kontracepcija v adolescenci
    [Contraception in adolescence]
  70. Fetih A
    Mladostnice z ginegološkimi obolenji
    [Adolescents with gynaecological diseases]
  71. Lužnik-Bufon T; Vidmar L; Klavs I
    AIDS in okužba z virusom HIV pri mladostnikih
    [AIDS and HIV infections in adolescents]
  72. Ravnik IM
    Nekatere posebnosti epizodičnih motenj v adolescenci - motnje spanja in budnosti
    [Episodic disorders in adolescence - disorders of sleep and wakefulness]
  73. Ravnik IM
    Nekatere posebnosti epizodičnih motenj v adolescenci - glavoboli
    [Episodic disorders in adolescence - headaches]
  74. Šalehar MA; Lapajne Z
    Stres v šoli
    [Stress of school]
  75. Brcar-Štrukelj P
    Sodobna izhodišča za zdravstveno varstvo mladih
    [Modern approach in health care provision of youth]
  76. Kržišnik C
  77. Bratanič B; Novosel-Sever M; Bren-Erjavec M; Konjajev Z
    Vloga matere pri negi nedonošenčka in bolnega novorojenca
    [The role of mother in care of premature infant and sick newborn]
  78. Tomori M
    Družina kot bolnik
    [The family as the patient]
  79. Kancler K
    Dispanzer za otroke danes
    [The dispensary for children today]
  80. Obersnel-Kveder D; Brcar-Štrukelj P; Truden P
    Zdravje otrok in mladine v Sloveniji
    [Health of children and adolescents in Slovenia]
  81. Avčin M; Knific T; Pintar L; Vendramin D; Arko U; Dovečar F; Prodan M; Sedej I; Makarovič G; Simikič A; Klemenc A; Marijan J; Mozetič B; Mahnič M
  82. Kržan M
    Razporeditev, značilnosti, pomen in vloga histaminskih H1 in H2 receptorjev v srcu
  83. Kobal M
    Metarepresentations (representations of second order) as the essential part of mentality in the holistic approach to health and illness
  84. Vlaisavljević V
    Analysis of follicular growth in conceivers and nonconceivers after intrauterine insemination
  85. Borisov P
    Ginekologija na Slovenskem od nastanka do 80. let 20. stoletja
    [Gynecology in Slovenia from its beginnings to 1980]
  86. Sketelj J
    Neural regulation of acetylcholinesterase in skeletal muscles
  87. Pečar S; Kikelj D; Urleb U; Sollner M; Marc G; Krbavčič A; Kotnik V; Wraber-Herzog B; Simčič S; Ihan A; Klamfer L; Pavšič L; Kopitar Z; Štalc A
    Trans-2-acylaminocyclohexyloxyacyldipeptides in the form of mixtures of diastereoisomers thereof and in the form of pure diasteredisomers, process for the preparation thereof and pharmaceutical compositions containing the same
  88. Trobec R; Orel B; Slivnik B
    Coarse-Grain parallelisation of multi-implicit Runge-Kutta methods
  89. Benčina D; Bradbury JM
    Combination of immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques for serotyping mixtures of Mycoplasma species
  90. Klobasa F; Habe F; Werhahn E
    The absorption of colostral immunoglobulins in newborn piglets. I. Effect of time from birth to the first feeding
    [Untersuchungen uber die Absorption der kolostralen Immunglobuline bei neugeborenen Ferkeln. I. Mitteilung: Einfluss der Zeit von der Geburt bis zur ersten Nahrungsaufnahme]
  91. Klobasa F; Butler JE; Habe F
    Maternal-neonatal immunoregulation: suppression of de novo synthesis of IgG and IgA, but not IgM, in neonatal pigs by bovine colostrum, is lost upon storage
  92. Klobasa F; Werhahn E; Habe F
    The absorption of colostral immunoglobulins in newborn piglets. III. Influence of the duration of colostrum administration
    [Untersuchungen uber die Absorption der kolostralen Immunglobuline bei neugeborenen Ferkeln. III. Mitteilung: Einfluss der Verabreichungsdauer der Kolostralmilch]
  93. Ritonja A; Čolič A; Dolenc I; Ogrinc T; Podobnik M; Turk V
    The complete amino acid sequence of bovine cathepsin S and a partial sequence of bovine cathepsin L
  94. Lenarčič B; Ritonja A; Turk B; Dolenc I; Turk V
    Characterization and structure of pineapple stem inhibitor of cysteine proteinases
  95. Popović T; Brzin J; Ritonja A; Svetic B; Turk V
    Rapid affinity chromatographic method for the isolation of human cathepsin H
  96. Bevec T; Dolenc I; Ritonja A; Turk V
    Purification of the complex of cathepsin L and the MHC class II-associated invariant chain fragment from human kidney
  97. Buttle DJ; Ritonja A; Pearl LH; Turk V; Barrett AJ
    Selective cleavage of glycyl bonds by papaya proteinase IV
  98. Buttle DJ; Ritonja A; Dando PM; Abrahamson M; Shaw EN; Wikstrom P; Turk V; Barrett AJ
    Interactions of papaya proteinase IV with inhibitors
  99. Popović T; Brzin J; Ritonja A; Turk V
    Different forms of human cystatin C
  100. Lenarčič B; Krašovec M; Ritonja A; Olafsson I; Turk V
    Inactivation of human cystatin C and kininogen by human cathepsin D

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